Latitude: 15.718οN Longitude: 147.177οE Depth: 3696 m bsl
Blue Moon Seamount is a serpentinite seamount (Fryer, 2012) located close to the trench in the Mariana forearc (Hulme et al., 2010). This is also amongst the foreacr seamounts associated with earthquakes (Fryer, 2012). Curtis et al., (2013) state that a novel archaeal subsurface community is present in the mudflows at Blue Moon Seamount.
Table 1: Operations history for Blue Moon vent
Ship/ Platform | Operation | Year | Dive Number | References |
TN-154 Thompson ROV Jason-2 | Not found | 2003 April | J2-039, J2-040 | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution: ROV JASON/MEDEA: Operations Summary (note: click “Files- operations summary”) |
YK03-07 Yokosuka/ Shinkai 6500 | Not found | 2003 July | 781 | YK03-07 cruise report |
Table 2: Activity and Rock types
Activity and Host Rocks | References | |
Activity | Active upwelling of fluids and associated with earthquakes | Mottl et al., 2004; Fryer., 2012 |
Host Rocks | Serpentinite | Fryer., 2012 |
Table 3: Vent fluid characteristics
Bottom seawater | Vent Fluids | References | |
Distance from the trench (km) | 55 | IODP-MCME 366 Proposal | |
Maximum flow (cm/yr) | 10.6 | Hulme et al., 2010 | |
pH | 8 | >8.2 | IODP-MCME 366 Proposal |
Composition | Ca, Sr -rich, low-alkalinity, and low Mg | Wheat et al., 2008 | |
Alkalinity (meq/kg) | 2.3 | 3 | IODP-MCME 366 Proposal |
Clorinity (mmol/kg) | 542 | 459 | IODP-MCME 366 Proposal |
Sulfate (mmol/kg) | 28 | 27.5 | IODP-MCME 366 Proposal |
Maximum sulfide (μmol/kg) | 0 | 275 | Hulme et al., 2010 |
Ca (mmol/kg) | 10.2 | 61.9 | IODP-MCME 366 Proposal |
Na (mmol/kg) | 466 | 388 | IODP-MCME 366 Proposal |
Na/Cl (molar) | 0.86 | 0.846 | IODP-MCME 366 Proposal |
K (mmol/kg) | 10.1 | 4.4 | IODP-MCME 366 Proposal |
Li (μmol/kg) | 26 | 4.9 | IODP-MCME 366 Proposal |
Rb (μmol/kg) | 1.37 | 0.3 | IODP-MCME 366 Proposal |
Cs (μmol/kg) | 0.0022 | 0.0159 | IODP-MCME 366 Proposal |
Sr (μmol/kg) | 90 | 724 | IODP-MCME 366 Proposal |
Ba (μmol/kg) | 0.14 | 0.53 | IODP-MCME 366 Proposal |
B (μmol/kg) | 410 | 370 | IODP-MCME 366 Proposal |
Mn (μmol/kg) | 0 | 0.02 | IODP-MCME 366 Proposal |
Fe (μmol/kg) | 0 | 5.8 | IODP-MCME 366 Proposal |
* IODP-MCME 366- International Ocean Discovery Program-Mariana Convergent Margin Expedition 366.
Table 4: Vent Biology
General name | Phylum | Class/Order | References |
Archaea | Crenarchaeota | Mottl et al., 2003
Curtis et al., 2013 |
Archaea | Euryarchaeota |
Mottl et al., 2003 Curtis et al., 2013 |
Anthozoa | Cnidaria | Anthozoa |
JAMSTEC E-library of Deep-sea Images(J-EDI)(note: search “Blue Moon”) |
Crinoid | Echinodermata | Comatulida |
JAMSTEC E-library of Deep-sea Images(J-EDI)(note: search “Blue Moon”) |
Shrimp | Arthropoda | Decapoda |
JAMSTEC E-library of Deep-sea Images(J-EDI)(note: search “Blue Moon”) |
Sponge | Porifera |
JAMSTEC E-library of Deep-sea Images(J-EDI)(note: search “Blue Moon”) |
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