
Eifuku Vent



Latitude: 21.415οN                  Longitude: 144.145οE              Summit depth: 500 m bsl

Scientists have recently discovered that the Eifuku seamount in the Mariana arc is active based on pre CTD operations and visits. During the visit, it was discovered that the seamount is composed of lava domes, striated boulders and an exposed dike in the crater wall. In addition the summit showed diffuse hydrothermal activity with fluid temperatures reaching about 16°C. Among the observed living organisms barnacles were dominated while there were other demosponge, seastar and bamboo coral (Okeanos Explorer ROV dive summary 2016)

Table 1: Operations history for Eifuku vent

Ship/ Platform Operation Year Dive Number References
EX1605/Deep Discoverer CTD, Scanning sonar 2016 June (Leg 3) 8 Okeanos Deep Discoverer 2016

Table 2: Vent activity and host rocks

Activity and  host rocks References
Activity Active Okeanos Explorer 2016 dive summary
Host Rocks Not defined Okeanos Explorer 2016 dive summary

Table 3: Vent fluid characteristics:

Vent Fluids References
Temparature (°C) 16.33 Okeanos Explorer 2016 dive summary

Table 4: Vent biology:

General name Phylum Genus/Species References
Eukaryota Barnacles Mollusca Nudibranchs Okeanos Explorer 2016 dive summary
Barnacles Mollusca Kaloplacumus Okeanos Explorer 2016 dive summary
Demosponge Porifera Okeanos Explorer 2016 dive summary
Bamboo coral Cnidaria Okeanos Explorer 2016 dive summary
Sea stars Echinodermata Coronaster Okeanos Explorer 2016 dive summary


Video Links:

Cruise Reports:

  1. NOAA Okeanos Explorer 2016  (accessed: 07/05/2016)