
Kasuga-3 Vent



Latitude: 21.4οN                      Longitude: 143.633οE             Depth: 1120 m bsl

Kasuga 3 is a slightly oblate east-west elongated conical seamount (McMurtry et al., 1993), located in the rear arc of the Northern Seamount Province of the Mariana system. It shows both low and high temperature hydrothermal venting (McMurtry et al., 1993). 9οC temperature fluid venting was found at the base of a mound of lava rubble (McMurtry et al., 1993). However later studies did not see evidence for hydrothermal activity at Kasuga-3 as stated by Resing et al., (2009). There is no information about biological communities at Kasuga-3.

Table 1: Operations history for Kasuga 3 vent

Ship/ Platform Operation Year References

TN-153 R/V T. G. Thompson

EM 300 multibeam;

CTD tow-yo

2003 February – March Submarine Ring of Fire 2003

Table 2: Vent activity and host rocks

Activity and host rocks References
Activity Active
No activity at present
McMurtry et al., 1993, InterRidge Vents Database

Embley et al., 2004; Resing et al., 2009

Host Rocks

Calc-alkaline (medium-high K-basalts and absarokites) and subordinate andesites and dacites

Stern et al., 1993

Table 3: Vent fluid characteristics

Vent Fluids References
Temperature (οC) 9oC McMurtry et al., 1993
pH at 27οC 7.41 McMurtry et al., 1993

No optical or chemical plume anomalies were detected.

No H2S odor

Si concentration is 3 times the ambient seawater, CH4 is twice the ambient seawater.

Rb+, Ba2+, Ca2+ Sr2+, Fe, Mn are enriched while Mg2+ depleted relative to ambient seawater.

Baker et al 2008

McMurtry et al., 1993

Biology: None known

Images: None known

Video Links: None known


  1. Baker, E. T., Embley, R. W., Walker, S. L., Resing, J. A., Lupton, J. E., Nakamura, K., de Ronde, C. E. J., Massoth, G. J., 2008. Hydrothermal activity and volcano distribution along the Mariana arc: Journal of Geophysical Research 113 (B8), 1-16.
  2. Embley, R. W., Baker, E. T., Chadwick, W. W. JR., Lupton, J. E., Resing, J. A., Massoth, G. J., Nakamura, K., 2004. Explorations of Mariana Arc. Eos 85 (4), 37-44.
  3. McMurtry, G. M., Sedwick, P. N., Fryer, P., VonderHaar, D. L., Yeh, H. W., 1993. Unusual geochemistry of hydrothermal vents on submarine arc volcanoes Kasuga Seamounts, Northern Mariana Arc. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 114, 517-528.
  4. Resing, J. A., Baker, E. T., Lupton, J. E., Walker, S. L., Butterfield, D. A., Massoth, G. J., Nakamura, K., 2009. Chemistry of hydrothermal plumes above submarine volcanoes of the Mariana Arc. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 10 (2), 1-23.
  5. Stern, R. J., Jackson, M. C., Fryer, P., Ito, E., 1993. O, Sr, Nd and Pb isotopic composition of the Kasuga Cross-Chain in the Mariana Arc: A new perspective on the K-h relationship. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 119, 459-475.

Website References:

  1. InterRidge Vents Database Ver. 3.3; (accessed 11/25/2015)

Cruise Reports:

  1. NOAA Ocean Explorer: Submarine Ring of Fire 2003, cruisereport.pdf (accessed 11/25/2015)