
 Nip Vent



Latitude: 18.753οN                  Longitude: 147.133οE             Depth: 2950 m bsl

Nip is a mud volcano located in the Mariana forearc region (International Ocean Discovery Program – Mariana Convergent Margin Expedition 366- IODP-MCME 366). Although the activity of this mud volcano is unknown, several measurements of the fluid chemistry were carried out in recent past (IODP-MCME 366 Proposal; Hulme et al., 2010).

Operations history for Nip vent: Not found

Table 1: Vent activity and host rocks

Activity and host rocks References
Volcanic Activity Not found
Volcanic Rocks Serpentinite mud volcano Fryer, 2012

Table 2: Vent fluid characteristics

Properties Bottom seawater Vent Fluids References
Distance from the trench (km) 50 IODP-MCME 366 Proposal
pH 8 10.7 IODP-MCME 366 Proposal
Alkalinity (meq/kg) 2.3 3.1 IODP-MCME 366 Proposal
Clorinity (mmol/kg) 542 501 IODP-MCME 366 Proposal
Sulfate  (mmol/kg) 28 7 IODP-MCME 366 Proposal
Mg (mmol/kg) 52.4 0.2 IODP-MCME 366 Proposal
Ca (mmol/kg) 10.2 75 IODP-MCME 366 Proposal
Na (mmol/kg) 466 363 IODP-MCME 366 Proposal
Na/Cl (molar) 0.86 0.725 IODP-MCME 366 Proposal
K (mmol/kg) 10.1 3.8 IODP-MCME 366 Proposal
Li (μmol/kg) 26 16 IODP-MCME 366 Proposal
Rb (μmol/kg) 1.37 1.82 Hulme et al., 2010
Cs (μmol/kg) 0.0022 0.0692 Hulme et al., 2010
Sr (μmol/kg) 90 920 IODP-MCME 366 Proposal
Ba (μmol/kg) 0.14 1.025 Hulme et al., 2010
B (μmol/kg) 410 36 Hulme et al., 2010
Si (μmol/kg) 190 1120 Hulme et al., 2010

* IODP-MCME 366- International Ocean Discovery Program-Mariana Convergent Margin Expedition 366.

Vent Biology: None known

Images: None known

Video Links: None known


  1. Hulme, S. M., Wheat, C. G., Fryer, P., and Mottl, M. J., 2010. Pore water chemistry of the Mariana serpentinite mud volcanoes: A window to the seismogenic zone. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 11, doi:10.1029/2009GC002674.
  2. Fryer, P., 2012. Serpentinite mud volcanism: observations, processes, and implications. Annual Review of Marine Science 4, 345-373.

Website References:

  1. IODP Mariana Convergent Margin Expedition 366 unpublished IODP proposal (accessed 01/19/2016).