
Seamount-X Vent



Latitude: 13.24667οN        Longitude: 144.01667οE         Depth: 1250 m bsl

Vent Sites: Fe-mats, Snail-mats (Davis et al., 2008)

Seamount X is a moderately intense, active submarine hydrothermal vent located in the Southern Seamount Province of Mariana Arc (Baker et al., 2008). Two low-temperature iron-rich vents have been recognized at Seamount X, named as Fe-mats and Snail-mats (Davis et al., 2008). Thick deposits of microbial mat and diffuse venting sites colonized by shrimp, crabs, and scale worms were discovered at this site. Not only that but also an extraordinarily large deposit of sulfur that was covered with thousands of galatheid crabs (squat lobsters) was found.

Table 1: Operations history for Seamount-X vent

Ship/ Platform Operation Year Dive Number References

TN-153 R/V

T. G. Thompson

EM 300 multibeam; CTD tow-yo 2003 February – March  Not found Submarine Ring of Fire 2003
MGLN02MV R/V Melville/ ROV Jason-2 Not found 2006 April J2-184 Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution: ROV JASON/MEDEA: Operations Summary (note: click “Files- operations summary”)
R/V Kilo Moana/ ROV Jason-2 Not found 2010 March J2-486 Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution: ROV JASON/MEDEA: Operations Summary (note: click “Files- operations summary”)

Table 2: Vent activity and host rocks

Activity and host rocks References
Activity Active Submarine ring of fire, 2003

Lupton et al., 2008;  InterRidge Vents Database Ver. 3.3

Host Rocks Basalt – Andesite Embley et al., 2007

Table 3: Vent fluid characteristics

Vent Fluids References
Temperature (οC) Low T (<100οC) Embley et al., 2007
ΔpH -0.035 to -0.093 Resing et al., 2009
Composition low-temperature iron-rich vents

Moderate Fe, Mn and 3He

Davis et al., 2008

Resing et al., 2009

Particulate Fe (nmol/kg) 6-48 Resing et al., 2009
TDMn (nM) 84-34 Resing et al., 2009
TDFe (nM) 99-230 Resing et al., 2009
Δ3He (fM) 1-0.5 Resing et al., 2009
CH4 (nM) 1.6 – 4.9 Resing et al., 2009

* ΔpH- Measured relative to the regional background; Δ3He – Measured above the background.

Table 4: Vent Biology

General name Phylum References
Sulfur oxidizing


Proteobacteria Davis et al., 2008
Crabs Arthropoda Submarine Ring of Fire, 2006
Scale worms Annelida Submarine Ring of Fire, 2006
Shrimp Arthropoda Submarine Ring of Fire, 2006
Snails Mollusca Submarine Ring of Fire, 2006


Video Links:


  1. Baker, E. T., Embley, R. W., Walker, S. L., Resing, J. A., Lupton, J. E., Nakamura, K., de Ronde, C. E. J., Massoth, G. J., 2008. Hydrothermal activity and volcano distribution along the Mariana arc: Journal of Geophysical Research 113 (B8), 1-16.
  2. Davis, R. E., Moyer, C. L., 2008. Extreme spatial and temporal variability of hydrothermal microbial mat communities along the Mariana Island Arc and southern Mariana back-arc system. Journal of Geophysical Research 113 (B8), doi:10.1029/2007JB005413.
  3. Embley, R. W., Baker, E. T., Butterfield, D. A., Chadwick, W. W. Jr., Lupton, J. E., Resing, J. A., de Ronde, C. E. J., Nakamura, K., Tunnicliffe, V., Dower, J. F., Merle, S. G., 2007. Exploring the submarine ring of fire: Mariana Arc- Western Pacific, Oceanography 20, 68–79.
  4. Lupton, J., Lilley, M., Butterfield, D., Evans, L., Embley, R., Massoth, G., Christenson, B., Nakamura, K., Schmidt, M., 2008. Venting of a separate CO2-rich gas phase from submarine arc volcanoes: Examples from the Mariana and Tonga-Kermadec arcs. Journal of Geophysical Research 113 (B8), doi:10.1029/2007JB005467.
  5. Resing, J. A., Baker, E. T., Lupton, J. E., Walker, S. L., Butterfield, D. A., Massoth, G. J., Nakamura, K., 2009. Chemistry of hydrothermal plumes above submarine volcanoes of the Mariana Arc. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 10 (2), doi:10.1029/2008GC002141.

Website References:

  1. InterRidge Vents Database Ver. 3.3 (accessed 09/17/2015)
  2. Submarine Ring of Fire 2003 (accessed 09/17/2015)
  3. Submarine Ring of Fire, 2006 (accessed 09/17/2015)
  4. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution: ROV JASON/MEDEA: Operations Summary (accessed 09/17/2015)

Cruise Reports:

  1. Submarine Ring of Fire 2003 (accessed 09/17/2015)